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Привлекательные предложения по ипотечному страхованию

  • Услуга предоставляется бесплатно без обязательств
  • Убедитесь, что вы не платите высокую цену за ипотечное страхование жизни
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  • Реформа льготных ставок страхования жизни

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2 Квоты по страхованию

Страховой агент свяжется с вами, запросит дополнительные сведения при необходимости и предоставит вам наиболее выгодное персонализированное предложение на основе ваших критериев.

3 Приобретение страховки

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I used the NEWKEY website to find life insurance for my mortgage, and I highly recommend it. I was able to compare several insurance companies and find the most cost-effective option for myself. The personalized service I received was outstanding, saving me a lot of time and headaches.

I used the NEWKEY website to find life insurance for my mortgage, and I highly recommend it. I was able to compare several insurance companies and find the best option for myself. The personalized service I received was excellent, and it saved me a lot of time and headaches.

All the little details that sometimes eluded me became clear when I used NEWKEY. We received a significant discount, and thanks to the agent who assisted us, I was very satisfied with the personal service and the ability to consult with a specialist at any time.

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יאיר חלפון

יאיר פתרונות פיננסים

ביטוח משכנתא

ראשון לציון רח' העמית יצחק 5, בניין מיליניה (קומה 17)

Questions and answers

Can I change my insurance company mid-term?

Mortgage insurance is an integral part of the mortgage process, and it can significantly impact costs over the years. Many clients seek ways to lower insurance costs. Here are a few ways to reduce the cost of insurance:

Price Comparison: Just like with any purchase, it's worth comparing offers from different insurance companies. There can be significant price and terms differences.
Choosing Insurance Coverage: Make sure the coverage you choose isn’t too high compared to the mortgage amount. Sometimes, the coverage is higher than necessary, which can increase the cost of insurance.
Choosing Insurance Type: Opting for term life insurance may be cheaper than life insurance with variable payouts.
Canceling Unnecessary Coverage: Review your policy for unnecessary coverage and cancel what you don't need.
Risk Reduction: Insurance companies assess the insured’s risk. If you reduce your risk (e.g., quit smoking), it could lower the premium.
Limiting the Insurance Term: Instead of choosing long-term insurance, opt for shorter-term insurance and update it as needed.
Limiting the Insurance Amount: Instead of choosing a high insurance amount, select one that corresponds to the mortgage amount.
Finally, remember that price is just one factor when choosing mortgage insurance. Coverage, service, and the reliability of the insurance company are also important factors to consider.

How is the insurance price determined?

Can it change over time? The cost of mortgage insurance is one of the main factors clients consider when choosing insurance. But how is the price actually determined? Can it change over time? In this article, we’ll explore the various factors affecting the price and the conditions under which it can change.

Factors affecting price:
Insurance amount: The higher the insured amount, the higher the premium.
Age of the insured: Generally, the younger the insured, the lower the premium.
Health status: If there are health risks, the premium might be higher.
Insurance term: The longer the insurance term, the more the premium may change.
Can the price change over time?
Life insurance: The premium may change depending on the insured’s age and related risks.
Property insurance: In many cases, it remains relatively unchanged.
In conclusion, the price of mortgage insurance results from various limitations and factors. It’s important to understand what factors influence the price and ensure the chosen insurance provides the necessary coverage at the best price.

What happens if I switch mortgage banks? Will the insurance continue?

Switching your mortgage to a different bank is a decision that requires careful thought and can provide benefits like a lower interest rate, better service, and other favorable terms. However, aside from financial considerations, there are also concerns regarding mortgage insurance. So what happens to your mortgage insurance when you switch banks? Existing Insurance: Once your mortgage is transferred to a new bank, the new bank will request to be the first beneficiary of the insurance policy. This means that in the event of an insurance claim, the money will be paid first to the new bank. Coverage Check: When transferring your mortgage, it’s a good time to review your existing insurance. Does it still cover the amount of the new mortgage? Are any additional adjustments required? Policy Adjustments: If the new bank requires different terms or higher coverage, you may need to modify your existing insurance policy or even purchase new insurance. Fees and Payments: It’s important to check if there are any additional fees or payments related to changing the beneficiary or canceling the existing insurance. Property Insurance: For property insurance, make sure that the coverage is still valid and covers the market value of the property. In conclusion, transferring your mortgage to another bank is a decision that requires careful consideration. It’s important to consult with a professional insurance agent before making a decision to ensure that you’re fully protected and avoid any surprises in the future.

Are there different types of mortgage insurance?

Mortgage insurance is a crucial component of the mortgage process. It protects both the borrower and the bank in the event of unforeseen circumstances. But are all types of mortgage insurance the same? Are there different types of mortgage insurance? In this article, we’ll look at the different types of mortgage insurance.

Life Insurance for Mortgages: This insurance covers the life of the borrower. In the event of the death of one of the borrowers, the insurance pays the remaining loan balance to the bank so that the family is not left with the debt. If there are two or more borrowers, each of them can be insured separately.
Property Insurance for Mortgages: This insurance covers the property itself. If the property is damaged, such as by fire or earthquake, the insurance pays the remaining mortgage balance or the cost of repairs, depending on the policy terms.
Content Insurance: While not always required by banks, there are cases where borrowers choose to include content insurance in their mortgage insurance package. This insurance covers the contents of the home, such as furniture, appliances, and electronics.
In conclusion, when searching for mortgage insurance, it's important to understand the types of coverage available in the market. It’s recommended to consult with a professional insurance agent who can explain and recommend the best coverage for your needs.

How to Compare Mortgage Insurance?

How important is it to compare mortgage insurance offers? Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Understand your needs: Before starting to compare, it’s important to understand what types of coverage are important to you. Are you looking for just life insurance? Or do you also need building insurance?
Get offers: Contact several insurance companies and request quotes. It’s recommended to request a variety of offers, including from the bank where you’re taking the mortgage.
Analyze coverage: Read the policy and check what types of coverage it offers. Does it only cover the building? Or does it also cover third parties and to what amounts?
Compare prices: After gathering offers, compare the prices. Keep in mind that the lowest price doesn’t always mean the best coverage. It’s important to compare prices per unit of coverage.
Analyze terms: Are there any exclusions that the insurance company doesn’t cover? Are there age limits? Do you need to undergo medical checks?
Read reviews: Look for reviews of the companies that provided you with offers. Are they reputable? Do they provide good service?
Final decision: After going through all the steps, it’s time to make a decision. Choose the company that offers the best value for money and coverage according to your needs.
At the end of the process, it’s recommended to consult with a professional insurance agent who will help ensure you made the right choice and that your policy adequately protects you and your family.

What is Mortgage Insurance?

Mortgage insurance is insurance required by the bank from mortgage borrowers in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Israel. Its main purpose is to reimburse the bank for the remaining mortgage loan amount in the event of an incident that damages the property or leads to the death of the insured.

Mortgage insurance is divided into two separate types of insurance:

Life Insurance for Mortgages: This insurance covers the mortgage borrowers for an amount sufficient to cover the mortgage loan or more. In the event of death, the insurance will pay the remaining mortgage balance to the bank.
Property Insurance for Mortgages: This insurance covers the property from risks such as fire, earthquake, etc. In case of property damage, the insurance will pay the remaining mortgage balance to the bank.

Do I have to buy insurance through the bank?

The bank will offer you to buy insurance through an insurance agency with which it collaborates. This has its pros and cons. It’s recommended to compare various insurance offers, focusing on coverage and price, and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Can I change insurance?

Yes, you can replace your existing mortgage insurance with another. Therefore, it’s recommended to periodically compare options and switch to a more affordable one if it offers similar coverage.

Is life insurance for mortgages mandatory?

Yes, the bank requires borrowers to purchase life insurance for the mortgage as a condition of receiving the loan. The main goal of the insurance is to ensure that if one of the borrowers dies, the bank will receive the remaining loan balance.


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